Monthly Archives: October 2011

Finding Pure Joy: October Resolutions

Marriage: Growing Love ♥

☐ Pray for Hunter everyday.
☐ Take a walk in his shoes.
☐ Give words of affirmation.
☐ Don’t interrupt.
☐ Communicate clearer.
☐ Reiterate to the children that Dad will always come first.
☐ Have date night at least twice a month.
☐ Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22

Marriage takes work. You get out of it, what you put in it. When we invest in our marriage things go so much smoother than when we let the busyness of life allow us to get disconnected. Everyone in the house is happier when mom and dad are on the same page.

My theme song for the month of October will be Steven Curtis Chapman \"All About Love\"

Finding Pure Joy: Weeks 3 and 4

Weeks 3 and 4 flew by! It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time goes by. I have continued to make progress in my endeavor. I have conquered many of my September resolutions, yet there are still a couple that I need to work harder to accomplish. Choosing healthy has been a difficult task for me to defeat. With the busyness of life, it takes real commitment and self-discipline to stay on task in this area. I will continue to work on tackling this in the coming month.

I still have a lot of decluttering to do. The plan was to work in one area each week. This happened only one week (I still feel good about my book shelves). I have been focusing a lot of time on other things, and not as much time on the clutter. In October, I will make an effort to manage my time better, and make time for both things.

In the end, the first month of my journey was good. I feel as though I have accomplished getting energized in my heart and home. The health part not so much, but that’s okay, it will come with time and more effort. I will continue to work on these things and add new resolutions for the month of October.

My focus in October is Marriage: Growing Love.